Shakuhachi related links:
Website of Kakizakai Kaoru
This is the personal website for Kakizakai Sensei and includes information about his performance schedule and opportunities for instruction.
Larry Tyrrell’s Website
This is the website for Pacific Northwest shakuhachi composer and performer Larry Tyrrell, a close collaborator of SSSG. It includes information about his transcultural approach to playing shakuhachi, as well as CD’s and performance information.
Monty Levenson’s Website
This is the website for the premiere shakuhachi maker and restorer in North America, Monty Levenson. Over the span of many years, Monty has been providing players of all ability levels top quality, well made and well-tuned flutes that typically are as beautiful to look at as they are to play. He is an excellent craftsman who is also well regarded for his repair and restoration work, and his website is truly a complete market place for all things shakuhachi. We’re delighted to have the opportunity to give him our full endorsement.
Shakuhachi maker hanko database
This is a growing database of the hankō (burned-in stamps) that you find on some shakuhachi. These stamps identify the maker of the flute and as a rule, two or three stamps on one flute indicate an instrument of high quality. If you have a flute with the maker’s hankō branded in, you may well be able to find the hankō on this site, along with some information about the maker and their lineage.