Flutes for Sale
All of the flutes shown on our website are being sold by private parties. If you see a flute here that piques your interest, please email us at [email protected] and let us know which flute(s) you’d like more information about. We will be happy to answer any questions we can and put you in touch with the seller.
1.6 (E) ChikuSen with one hankō
$500 USD
1.7 (E♭) ‘Shōkō’ with hankō.
$1400 USD
1.8 (D) Jon Kypros Bell Shakuhachi
$125 USD
1.8 (D) Monty Levenson Advanced Student model
$725 USD
This flute is in excellent condition and is typical of Monty Levenson’s Advance Student model flute. You can find a great description of it on Monty’s website: https://www.shakuhachi.com
Just click on Advanced Student Shakuhachi in the left hand column and scroll down to the flute identified as AM-18-715.
1.8 (D) unknown maker; one hankō
$425 USD
This is a well-made older flute that plays well and is nicely tuned. We aren’t familiar with the maker. The flute has had some extensive crack repairs which appear to have been well done, likely making the flute very resistant to future cracking in either the upper or lower half of the instrument. The nakatsugi joint seals completely and overall this is a very solid instrument. It would be a good choice for a relatively new player who would like to transition to a madaké bamboo flute.
1.8 (D) unknown maker; one hankō
$275 USD
This is also a well-made flute in excellent condition – no cracks, flaws or blemishes. The tuning is good and the overall tone color is on the more sweet and mellow side. This is another good flute for someone who is looking to purchase an affordable madaké shakuhachi.
1.8 (D) ‘MyōSui (?)’ with one hankō.
$275 USD
1.8 (D) ‘IchiJō’ with one hankō.
$1800 USD
2.0 (C) ‘SeiKa’ with one hankō
$1200 USD
2.0 (C) Senshū, one hankō
$945 USD
This is a beautifully made flute that is in excellent condition – completely free of blemishes, cracks or defects. The tuning is spot on and the tone color through both octaves is full, rich and resonant. Since the flute is tuned to C minor, this is a great choice for playing western music, especially jazz and blues. A high quality cloth carrying bag is included.
2.05 Chikuji, two hankō
$325 USD
This is a nicely made flute with a mellow sound overall. It’s tuned a little flat of standard Cmin (2.0) pitch, but the tuning is internally consistent and very good otherwise. This would be a great solo/meditation flute for someone looking for a longer flute or looking to move up to a madaké flute.
2.05 (B/C) ‘ChikuSen’ with one hankō.
$550 USD
2.4 (A) Kozan, two hankō
$630 USD
This is a very nicely made flute, constructed from a beautiful piece of bamboo. It’s well tuned and responsive and the overall tone color is quite nice. The top half of the flute has been repaired with a total of 9 bindings which should make the flute impervious to any future cracking in the top half.